Pleasantly surprised this morning when the offspring presented me with parcels containing thoughtfully chosen books, confectionery and packages of select coffee beans.. Nice. Thank you offspring, the pleasure was all mine.

Relieved to find that the torrential rains of yesterday have moved on and been replaced with a beautiful morning of warm sunshine.  To the beach with camera and the day's newspapers. Bliss.
Returned to the but'n'ben and a fine lunch prepared by the delightful Maria.  Her father must be beelin' at the thought of his daughter preparing Fathers' Day lunch for another.  Sorry Al .......... it was deliicious, your favourite I believe..

Sadly, Bonhill beckons and the afternoon ended with the journey home..

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    Retired from a life of toil and having as good a time as failing health permits with fine family, good friends and a couple of cameras.
    Looking forward to some years in an independent country where there is such a thing as 'society'.


    August 2013
    July 2013
    June 2013

